
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Keeping things going and mood cycling

Keeping things going
That's the hard part isn't it? I always get super excited about things. I see something new and want to learn everything about it and only think of that thing all the time. I will really excel at doing that thing for a short period and then I will have no desire to do it anymore. This has led me to a history of starting things and then not finishing them.

This blog is a fine example of this. I started it again recently and I was writing everyday for a short while and then one morning when I went to sit down and write I couldn't write anything. I just sat and no words came to mind or anything I thought about seemed so unimportant. This has led me to the conclusion that I must read 'The power of habit' by Charles Duhigg.

My thought was to create a habit of writing everyday even if it was something small but perhaps I went about it the wrong way. Perhaps I need to start it off slower - perhaps two posts every week? and maybe I can increase the number as I get more comfortable. I guess I'll need to read the book first to plan with more certainty.

Mood cycle
On another note I was reading Tim Ferriss's blog and he posted about tricks to help with depression. One I found especially helpful was realizing that it is normal to have periods where you are down and periods where you are perked up. I was somewhat aware of this before but the way he put it was really good. He said that neurotransmitters need time to recycle.

I know some neuroscience from studying chiropractic but I'm not sure about how long it takes for neurotransmitters to recycle. I feel like my cycles will last a few days and then I will suddenly feel good again. Do neurotransmitters take that long? or is it a bigger picture kind of cycle? the human body is a strange and wondrous thing.

Either way it's good to know. Now when I'm in my down time I am more understanding of myself and when I'm in my up time I just enjoy it more naturally. I understand that I can get things done easier and simply do them. More than anything it just gives me peace of mind which is great!


Well that's it from me. If anyone else experiences mood cycles or has trouble keeping things going let me know. Also if you have any other tricks for when you are feeling down or making habits feel free to share.

Peace & Love


  1. Dude, totally relate! I went through the same thing for many years where I started things but never went all out on them. Whether it was boxing, martial arts, wrestling, music, art, photography (and even a street racing phase) I found myself always starting stuff and never finishing them. I have no idea what changed but now I have a few things I get into and commit to them wholeheartedly. Again, not sure why??? Never thought about it before, lol. Maybe it just comes as we get older. But if I was to pin it down to something specific my best guess would be identity. I think when I found my identity and how to express that identity I started sticking to stuff more. Before that, I think I was searching for my identity and after a while I would subconsciously determine that those things just weren't it. When I discovered my identity my habits became a natural outflow of it. Since my identity is solid, so are my habits. But when my identity was fluid, my habits followed. Not sure if that makes sense, but there it goes, lol.

    I dont have any tricks for when Im feeling down. I think I have just learned to hold on to the promise that soon Ill feel up again because it eventually happens. Having gone through bad depression and anxiety in past makes me more susceptible to bad days, but when they come I dont pay them much attention since I know eventually Ill be back up. Not sure thats a helpful trick but it works for me! haha.

    I have rambled long enough. Thanks for the thoughts! They got my gears spinning which is always good :D

    1. Ah that makes perfect sense! Identity huh? Yeah I remember a time when I was more sure of who I was and I seemed to stick to things and function better. That gives me something to think about. And yeah it is good to just know that you will eventually feel up again. Thanks for your thoughts :)
