
Saturday 31 August 2013

My Father on His Day

Happy Father's Day Father! Well I was thinking about whether to make a card for my Dad but since I just randomly started this blog I figured I'd do a blog post about him instead! My dad is a pretty cool guy, and I'm only saying this because it's Father's day otherwise his head would grow so big he wouldn't be able to fit inside doors anymore, but once in a while he deserves a bit of praise.

My Dad's name is Arie, which is more of a nickname as his real Indonesian name is Indrarso (I think that is how you spell it) which I think is pretty damn cool. He was born in Indonesia but came over to Australia to get married when he was 27 and he didn't even speak English so the first few years were pretty hard on him, but my dad is a pretty tough guy so he was OK. My dad has always been a very selfless man, he talks about how having children changed him and has always let me and Tobin know how much he loves us. It makes me think about whether I will change the same way when I have children, but back to my dad.

I mainly only got to see him on the weekends when I was growing up and those were the happiest memories of my childhood, and until I got to live with him full time at the age of 15 I didn't really have the role model I needed. It's amazing how I changed in the years since I started living with my dad because before that I was quite the problem child. For my Dads patience and understanding I am eternally grateful.

I will always remember a conversation we had on the phone, I was across the other side of the country at the time, which was a major turning point in my life. It was for an English assignment - we had to write something about someone we really admired I think. I chose my Dad and so I called him up and we had a very long chat. He talked about his job which is actually very interesting because of the personal traits required to work like my dad works.

My dad is an IT help Supervisor (he has a different title that is long and convoluted and makes much less sense so I won't use that), and he talked about how he helps people. The main thing he said was that you have to think about the other person, when they are screaming at you, you have to wonder - why? You have to see where they are coming from and be patient. My dad is the man that his workers ask for help when there is someone really upset. My dad never claims to be amazingly clever, I think the main thing that is amazing about my dad is that he understands them and makes them trust that he is going to try to help them - and I think that is what they need the most.

Whenever I try to explain what he told me it never really comes out right, but it made me feel very humbled.

I love you Dad! I will never forget all the things you have done for me!

Happy Fathers day!

Getting Stomped in League of Legends

So I've been playing league of legends recently after being an MMORPG gamer for so many years and I'm having mixed feelings about it at the moment. You see I just recently got Ranked and I won 5 out of my 10 qualifiers mostly because I played 4/10 of those games as Thresh and he is so OP but now that I'm in ranked and i practically never get to play him my ability probably doesn't matched up to my ranking. I got into Silver V and while I seem to do OK most of the time I'm still getting used to draft pick so sometimes i get a really bad champion match up and it all goes to hell.

It's actually been pretty depressing because I've only had one more win after getting ranked which was pretty epic and enjoyable but thinking about all the games I lose now is rather depressing. I just played a game this morning and our mid didn't connect until like 10 minutes into the game or maybe longer? I can't recall. Anyway we were doing OK for 4 vs. 5 but we just couldn't keep it up. We made an admirable effort at least.

Another game I played the other day was even more Depressing because I picked adc (which is the attack damage carry for those who don't play) and the enemy chose my pick - Ezreal and since I don't have many adc champions I had to go with Tristana whom I have never played a game with before and it was a nightmare. I did ask to switch with someone but... my team mates were rather unresponsive to my pleas. 

All this has led me to think about Star Craft II. The good things about that game is that I can play 1 vs 1 and don't have to rely on team mates (I've always been more of a solo gamer), but if I want to play with one of my brothers I can always do 2 vs 2 with them. I think I prefer RTS (real time strategy) to MMO's just because I don't have the time to play and play and play anymore - MOBA are included with RTS in the short play time too which is another reason I started playing again. Also I feel the skill involved is so much more, like the multitasking involved in playing SC2 is immense and there is so much depth to the game and so many different ways to play! There is only one thing wrong with SC2.

My Girlfriend, Kim, Doesn't like me playing it because I get so focused I can't hear anything else and consequently ignore her. The concentration I pour into that game is crazy and I always get a rush! I never used to like playing it that much because I thought it was too stressful but lately I'm starting to wonder if I would like it, as long as I can calm down enough while playing. 

Ah well, we shall just have to wait and see what happens in my Gaming life.